To explain to a person who only wants up and down Forex indicator arrows that it is much wiser to trade price as it happens is not my job. I trade higher probability setups as it happens with only my chart and no Forex indicator arrows. Trading with my Trend Scanner in correlation with my own Forex Strategy has made me successful. Cognitive dissonance in Beginner Traders may result in a Belief System that will frustrate them and in the end leaving a lucrative market because they placed all their hope in "Magical" Forex Indicators. This is so sad because there is money to be made in the Forex Market but the newcomers choose to believe in the deception of people who make videos with props like Lambo's and flying in jets. This fairy tale does not exist. I trade in my shorts while drinking cold coffee (mostly because I am Searching for the next Trade).
I do like it a lot because it gives me some freedom. In the end to make profit you only need a basic Forex Trading course a good Trend Scanner, AND a lot of Practice. Nothing fancy and nothing expensive